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Existing Building Review


In the event of a building failure or damage, Norton & Schmidt can provide the construction and design expertise necessary to determine cause and origin. Our engineers perform site visits, observations and testing regarding conditions, damages and/or failure of various buildings, structures, and components. 


Norton & Schmidt has completed thousands of forensic projects, including:

  • Construction defects

  • Structural failure

  • Environmental damage (fire, tornado, hail, etc.)

  • Vehicular impact

  • Expansive soil conditions/settlement

  • Moisture issues

  • Age


The choice to restore a structure often carries with it a level of uncertainty. Typically, there are both known and unknown 
conditions that must be addressed in the restoration process. Consulting engineers with a depth of experience in restoration projects can help to reduce the uncertainty inherent in the restoration process. 

At Norton & Schmidt, our engineers can assist you with determining what needs to be done and how to prioritize that work, 
especially when you don't have the funds to do everything at once. A licensed professional engineer can provide valuable property evaluation that can be used to create a restoration plan.  

In the course of our assessment of the structure, our engineers can also determine the cause of the original deterioration and help to create a plan to avoid or minimize that deterioration to return after restoration.  

Norton & Schmidt will assist in all phases of the restoration project including evaluation of the existing structure, creating 
design documents, bidding and negotiating the work, supervising construction, and creating a plan for future maintenance. 

If the restoration is due to an insurance loss, our engineers will work with the insurance company to provide scope of work and cost estimates they will need to process your claim. 

Norton & Schmidt engineers also specialize in the restoration of pre-cast concrete parking facilities. We have identified and 
developed enhanced design details to provide low cost initial construction and low maintenance throughout the life of the parking structure. We have assisted in the restoration of more than 100 parking facilities in Kansas City, Missouri and beyond. 

Property Condition Assessment/Capital Reserve Studies

Your commercial property purchase is a significant investment. That property's ability to provide income in the future is  may be dependent on a detailed property condition assessment performed by an experienced construction engineer. The report generated by Norton & Schmidt is vital to your understanding of the work that is required to successfully market the property.  

Norton & Schmidt engineers will observe and inspect the components of the building, including structural, electrical, 
plumbing and HVAC, status of completion, and code performance. We will also assess whether each 
component is sufficient for the intended use or if it needs to be upgraded. Our assessment will be based on the latest ASTM standards and our cost projections will be based on current market costs. 

At the conclusion of our inspection, the Norton & Schmidt engineer will provide you with a property condition assessment 
report detailing the status and condition of all major components of the property and outlining any repair or upgrade costs that would be required either for code compliance, safety, or optimal performance. We can also project long-term costs to help plan for the future or for an investment. 

A comprehensive property assessment provides you with leverage to renegotiate property contracts based on the true condition of the property and the required repairs and upgrades identified in the inspection.

Norton & Schmidt has provided property condition assessments for thousands of properties with total valuations of several 
billion dollars. We have provided PCA services to clients such as TIAA-CREF, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance, Bank of 
America, and PNC Bank. We have also provided services to individual investors, developers, insurers, attorneys, local 
municipalities, and condominium homeowners' associations.  

Building Enclosure

Proper design and construction of the building envelope is vital to the prolonged performance of the structure. Norton & 
Schmidt engineers understand the complex blend of materials, components and systems that must be seamlessly integrated to ensure optimal performance. Our licensed engineers have extensive experience and training in all areas of building enclosures, including: 

  • Roofs, decks, and balconies 

  • Brick and stone veneer 

  • Curtain wall 

  • Sealants 

  • Transitions and penetrations 

  • Below and at-grade waterproofing 

Whether an existing building or new construction, Norton & Schmidt engineers have the knowledge and experience to analyze the building enclosure to suggest improvements, identify potential problems, and suggest practical, cost-effective solutions. This analysis can be vital to avoiding problems that can lead to lengthy and costly construction delays. 

Our engineers will meet with you to understand your needs for the building enclosure and work to design a solution that fits these needs. Our depth of past experience allows us to think outside of the box and suggest innovative and unique solutions that can extend the life and performance of the building enclosure. Our inspections of your existing building enclosure will encompass roofs, walls, and foundations as well as all of their component parts. Our attention to detail combined with our expertise allows us to provide you with workable solutions for any problems we find.  

If you are starting new construction or would like an expert opinion on your current building enclosure, contact Norton & 
Schmidt to schedule a consultation.  

311 E 11th Ave, North Kansas City, MO
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